Local Salon
Quality hairdressing in a popular part of Southsea, lots of free parking available.
Established for 38 Years!
Need peace of mind before booking? We have been in business over 30 years, most of our team have been working here over 20 of them!
Generous customer loyalty scheme
If you’re new to using David Antony for your hairdressing treatments, you will find we have an excellent reward system for our regular clients.
Recognised Professional
David Antony Hairdressing has been recognised as one of the Uk’s top professional hair colour salons, following the graduation of several team members from the Hairdressing industry’s most prestigious colour course.
Welcome to David Antony!
At David Antony we pride ourselves in the quality of our work. All our prices are fully inclusive of free hot and cold drinks, free treatment shampoos, free treatment conditioners, free mousse gels, sprays and finishes. All the Staff at David Antony are NVQ qualified, attend regular courses and work to the highest professional standard.

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